Monday, June 29, 2009

WSU Bears

Jaxon posing

Jaxon looking at the bears

Jaxon and Madox trying to climb inside

Layden, Tytan and Madox

Layden and Tytan

Layden and Tytan

Madox making a rock donation

Boys being boys!

We stopped by the Bears on the WSU campus after flying planes. Here are a few cute pics of Layden, Tytan, Jaxon and Madox.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

July 20th

On July 20th, we will be touring Conner Museum on the WSU campus at 10:30 am. The museum is in three rooms of the first floor of Abelson Hall. There are animals on display in glass cases. For more info visit Meet us at 10:15 in the parking lot of the Bookie. You will need change for parking in the meters and strollers for walking around the campus. Older kids can do an animal scavenger hunt at the museum.

July 6th

The big boys waiting for our tour; TJ, Tytan, Layden and Gordon

Viewing the hangar

Tytan and TJ flying


My camera died before everyone else had a turn! Bummer!

On July 6th at 10 am we have a field trip planned with Interstate Aviation. 2601 Airport Rd. It is just east of the Moscow Pullman Airport. The kids will get to watch planes take off, sit in the trainer planes and walk around the hangar. Please meet at 9:45 so we are ready for the tour at 10. Strollers or baby carriers will probably be easiest for little ones under two. Let us know if you need a ride or can car pool. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 29th

On Monday June 29th we will be going to the Appaloosa Horse Museum. Meet us at 10 AM.

June 15th

On Monday, June 15th, we will be visiting the Colfax Police and Fire Stations. Drive or walk on down to meet up at 9:50 and the officers will be ready to answer questions and show off their rigs at 10 am.

June 8th

Meet us at Colfax's Schmuck Park at 10 AM. It is the one hear the schools, pool and skate park.

June 1st Recap

Thank you to Leona, Chelsea, Oriana and all the kids for coming to Ferdinand's with us! We got to watch the workers making cheese, sample Viking cheese and eat giant ice cream cones. We also watched the movies about making ice cream and cheese. What a fun way to start the week!